Ratings from 42106 games rating uncertainty
Best model 000427-super-lion 4394 ± 57
2 000418-pretty-burro 4370 ± 55
3 000327-unique-ox 4366 ± 55
4 000404-moving-louse 4361 ± 56
5 000319-robust-gar 4352 ± 52
6 000440-lucky-imp 4349 ± 46
7 000239-proven-robin 4340 ± 60
8 000444-able-wombat 4340 ± 60
9 000299-many-fowl 4339 ± 50
10 000304-mutual-crane 4337 ± 55
11 000438-solid-gopher 4337 ± 54
12 000282-secure-hornet 4337 ± 57
13 000276-cosmic-bass 4337 ± 54
14 000420-social-ghost 4336 ± 49
15 000429-model-lynx 4335 ± 45
Worst model 000001-hip-shiner 0 ± 356

Model Rating
We use python choix to calculate bradley-terry model ratings then multiplying by 400 / ln(10) to approximate elo
000449-decent-shrimp 4269 144
000448-known-bug 4328 66
000447-fleet-clam 4306 82
000446-native-leech 4321 64
000445-apt-tick 4219 188
000444-able-wombat 4340 74
000443-pumped-wahoo 4277 78
000442-strong-gar 4315 98
000441-united-rabbit 4262 176
000440-lucky-imp 4349 116
000439-top-drake 4283 86
000438-solid-gopher 4337 72
000437-select-pony 4311 164
000436-witty-grub 4138 102
000435-keen-sheep 4298 82
000434-moving-bull 4196 92
000433-huge-cattle 4219 162
000432-casual-pig 4252 74
000431-pure-fox 4219 90
000430-first-thrush 4298 84
000429-model-lynx 4335 124
000428-in-tetra 4230 80
000427-super-lion 4394 84
000426-firm-ant 4293 79
000425-casual-coyote 4154 168
000424-funny-lark 4273 94
000423-fond-walrus 4254 74
000422-top-koi 4153 84
000421-star-skink 4258 206
000420-social-ghost 4336 108
000419-finer-ape 4309 72
000418-pretty-burro 4370 96
000417-full-minnow 4248 168
000416-frank-bream 4268 96
000415-more-swan 4252 102
000414-driven-stork 4288 90
000413-moral-mullet 4138 218
000412-living-gannet 4287 72
000411-model-toad 4331 122
000410-fit-jackal 4270 84
000409-merry-tetra 4267 180
000408-divine-bull 4199 76
000407-usable-ox 4192 82
000406-tough-liger 4112 80
000405-liked-turkey 4231 162
000404-moving-louse 4361 86
000403-cosmic-rabbit 4230 100
000402-mutual-kiwi 4240 74
000401-nearby-coral 4234 144
000400-noble-beagle 4208 76
Model Rating
We use python choix to calculate bradley-terry model ratings then multiplying by 400 / ln(10) to approximate elo
000399-bold-bug 4293 96
000398-finer-koi 4310 120
000397-large-gull 4295 170
000396-ample-husky 4192 100
000395-big-robin 4306 58
000394-wired-kid 4160 88
000393-apt-bengal 4253 134
000392-keen-sawfly 4227 70
000391-warm-owl 4220 84
000390-calm-wren 4275 676
000389-fluent-hound 4291 750
000388-moving-louse 4237 698
000387-smooth-hermit 4212 660
000386-gentle-koi 4263 684
000385-pure-badger 4191 780
000384-novel-mantis 4299 666
000383-pro-eft 4286 692
000382-finer-badger 4286 660
000381-game-gopher 4289 770
000380-honest-eagle 4255 686
000379-whole-snail 4296 672
000378-handy-tapir 4275 674
000377-unique-ox 4224 808
000376-caring-ibex 4240 651
000375-tight-raven 4271 676
000374-vocal-oyster 4268 666
000373-still-gibbon 4258 756
000372-calm-mole 4261 678
000371-apt-beetle 4322 692
000370-amazed-bison 4292 678
000369-eager-mullet 4281 782
000368-good-asp 4247 644
000367-worthy-possum 4226 676
000366-immune-elk 4212 656
000365-funny-dove 4210 756
000364-subtle-kite 4206 672
000363-causal-seal 4278 680
000362-sought-cat 4235 672
000361-wired-aphid 4169 742
000360-grown-teal 4251 662
000359-huge-jay 4240 672
000358-dear-gator 4261 674
000357-proud-gnu 4218 780
000356-modest-donkey 4257 682
000355-crisp-ibex 4215 666
000354-on-pug 4189 673
000353-kind-stork 4302 738
000352-sound-ox 4302 682
000351-actual-fawn 4272 674
000350-humane-hare 4249 684
Model Rating
We use python choix to calculate bradley-terry model ratings then multiplying by 400 / ln(10) to approximate elo
000349-golden-shark 4238 749
000348-handy-akita 4273 674
000347-unique-shiner 4274 686
000346-civil-sloth 4201 694
000345-saving-corgi 4256 766
000344-boss-adder 4267 692
000343-boss-python 4295 678
000342-tender-salmon 4184 682
000341-crack-vervet 4230 780
000340-loved-joey 4224 666
000339-ruling-spider 4226 698
000338-quick-cat 4195 672
000337-valid-shark 4271 753
000336-well-oryx 4221 684
000335-sharp-robin 4271 672
000334-alert-falcon 4178 712
000333-hot-pika 4270 772
000332-ruling-fawn 4202 674
000331-frank-bison 4119 682
000330-happy-cougar 4282 84
000329-casual-jaguar 4245 170
000328-frank-moth 4162 96
000327-unique-ox 4366 88
000326-fast-gnat 4129 86
000325-solid-llama 4167 194
000324-square-koi 4161 64
000323-moved-cub 4285 92
000322-enough-dog 4204 104
000321-rare-mouse 4204 178
000320-grown-tomcat 4279 74
000319-robust-gar 4352 86
000318-rested-quail 4218 96
000317-next-stud 4185 198
000316-fine-sheep 4259 86
000315-vital-egret 4102 96
000314-rested-poodle 4227 100
000313-rapid-tarpon 4179 178
000312-worthy-duck 4205 78
000311-big-calf 4164 74
000310-just-joey 4234 88
000309-useful-kitten 4219 188
000308-fun-hornet 4152 74
000307-helped-tick 4218 86
000306-whole-jay 4314 86
000305-civil-beetle 4319 186
000304-mutual-crane 4337 88
000303-bright-toucan 4248 96
000302-huge-parrot 4215 76
000301-fast-roughy 4192 162
000300-noble-prawn 4248 102
Model Rating
We use python choix to calculate bradley-terry model ratings then multiplying by 400 / ln(10) to approximate elo
000299-many-fowl 4339 98
000298-heroic-skunk 4278 74
000297-mature-earwig 4194 142
000296-novel-gopher 4225 88
000295-saving-dodo 4254 106
000294-major-ocelot 4260 60
000293-brave-sheep 4256 166
000292-huge-cobra 4227 100
000291-stable-wasp 4098 104
000290-strong-snipe 4178 104
000289-sunny-coyote 4193 200
000288-prime-beagle 4159 96
000287-sunny-donkey 4130 96
000286-handy-bobcat 4173 80
000285-open-koala 4227 158
000284-prompt-kite 4203 78
000283-decent-bat 4223 74
000282-secure-hornet 4337 64
000281-rich-perch 4271 166
000280-awake-jaguar 4220 78
000279-divine-tapir 4131 73
000278-needed-moray 4216 74
000277-social-bobcat 4224 166
000276-cosmic-bass 4337 82
000275-golden-filly 4317 64
000274-useful-walrus 4111 94
000273-new-fish 4184 178
000272-superb-eel 4156 112
000271-sharp-corgi 4140 88
000270-sharp-trout 4303 88
000269-fit-glider 4243 156
000268-cute-foal 4194 108
000267-first-vervet 4184 86
000266-suited-mutt 4197 80
000265-fast-sole 4245 145
000264-more-fawn 4212 98
000263-next-emu 4139 84
000262-calm-viper 4177 60
000261-merry-mutt 4149 216
000260-living-mink 4133 104
000259-moving-goblin 4163 100
000258-main-gecko 4196 76
000257-ready-shrew 4198 200
000256-helped-oryx 3949 90
000255-heroic-falcon 4094 72
000254-picked-muskox 3936 94
000253-pro-eagle 4129 206
000252-whole-turtle 4254 80
000251-smooth-squid 4306 88
000250-crack-ray 4146 60
Model Rating
We use python choix to calculate bradley-terry model ratings then multiplying by 400 / ln(10) to approximate elo
000249-simple-akita 3963 188
000248-polite-dodo 4041 88
000247-fresh-mule 4084 112
000246-honest-clam 4085 96
000245-helped-jaguar 4196 170
000244-helped-boa 4149 92
000243-just-trout 4084 100
000242-key-shark 3967 78
000241-sure-clam 4096 188
000240-upward-pup 4061 92
000239-proven-robin 4340 74
000238-major-quail 4278 88
000237-deep-badger 4045 186
000236-vast-quagga 4154 98
000235-sought-cattle 4050 74
000234-vast-ghoul 4217 62
000233-humane-bison 3963 190
000232-noble-sole 4190 88
000231-cute-jay 4121 84
000230-mature-crane 4139 74
000229-key-ocelot 4113 194
000228-ace-elk 4035 92
000227-fond-gnat 4303 60
000226-big-mole 4187 58
000225-joint-whale 4256 198
000224-ace-worm 4193 78
000223-well-thrush 4184 82
000222-alive-heron 3961 104
000221-right-falcon 4179 194
000220-close-kodiak 4100 92
000219-crisp-jay 4126 86
000218-direct-poodle 4108 106
000217-divine-swine 3985 176
000216-helped-adder 4195 86
000215-cosmic-kitten 4186 108
000214-modern-tapir 4229 92
000213-aware-walrus 3949 182
000212-modest-lamb 3925 106
000211-fleet-whale 4137 76
000210-rapid-mantis 4094 90
000209-vital-emu 4079 176
000208-real-mullet 4183 76
000207-proven-jay 3973 84
000206-golden-tiger 3996 68
000205-casual-tapir 4039 158
000204-robust-swift 4207 88
000203-lucky-jaguar 4087 64
000202-boss-ferret 3896 80
000201-great-roughy 4160 178
000200-master-walrus 3829 76
Model Rating
We use python choix to calculate bradley-terry model ratings then multiplying by 400 / ln(10) to approximate elo
000199-grown-colt 4221 96
000198-pro-finch 4224 94
000197-one-guinea 4063 190
000196-pumped-boxer 4143 76
000195-noted-worm 4088 110
000194-pretty-krill 3919 96
000193-funny-drum 4155 188
000192-tender-dragon 4094 89
000191-mutual-quagga 3739 94
000190-open-swine 4072 83
000189-rested-toucan 4163 210
000188-fluent-jaguar 4237 82
000187-upward-aphid 4156 78
000186-joint-serval 4073 76
000185-tight-falcon 4137 156
000184-clever-toad 4159 82
000183-gentle-trout 4266 98
000182-picked-newt 4078 80
000181-useful-emu 4216 186
000180-live-rat 4005 100
000179-ruling-drum 3883 87
000178-warm-muskox 4132 114
000177-fond-bison 4005 166
000176-tough-shrew 4219 96
000175-able-oriole 4238 70
000174-famous-teal 4030 78
000173-usable-bear 4104 152
000172-active-cattle 4007 82
000171-exact-seal 4031 74
000170-fair-beetle 3902 82
000169-causal-ferret 4085 172
000168-nice-hawk 3869 68
000167-fast-dove 3924 92
000166-alive-tetra 4085 98
000165-smart-bream 4124 162
000164-guided-camel 4079 74
000163-safe-buck 4004 78
000162-flying-ewe 4201 96
000161-full-lark 4001 168
000160-united-condor 3997 96
000159-apt-cub 3965 103
000158-sure-ferret 4112 76
000157-brief-marmot 4081 158
000156-main-hornet 4125 92
000155-prime-civet 3929 94
000154-known-teal 3910 92
000153-first-locust 3995 158
000152-open-shark 4139 70
000151-tight-ewe 3965 98
000150-sought-akita 3997 116
Model Rating
We use python choix to calculate bradley-terry model ratings then multiplying by 400 / ln(10) to approximate elo
000149-picked-mako 3974 140
000148-driven-bass 4098 104
000147-rich-oyster 3970 78
000146-modest-goose 3993 88
000145-nice-fox 3960 140
000144-choice-chimp 3896 88
000143-easy-liger 4175 88
000142-master-locust 4093 80
000141-needed-falcon 3952 194
000140-calm-turtle 4092 94
000139-civil-trout 4132 108
000138-ample-mayfly 4152 84
000137-viable-coyote 4129 156
000136-actual-koi 4091 110
000135-witty-eel 4042 80
000134-upward-jennet 3874 98
000133-tops-lizard 4003 180
000132-moving-marmot 3849 94
000131-saved-ram 3891 82
000130-sacred-tarpon 4118 84
000129-casual-hornet 3966 206
000128-equal-whale 3670 86
000127-master-bear 3629 97
000126-caring-lizard 3940 75
000125-decent-owl 3865 152
000124-modest-satyr 3714 90
000123-happy-fly 3675 68
000122-firm-aphid 3953 74
000121-star-tahr 3593 172
000120-alert-feline 3795 84
000119-clever-fox 3735 97
000118-next-burro 3892 90
000117-wise-mako 3945 168
000116-fit-racer 3939 95
000115-humane-locust 3639 84
000114-picked-dory 3919 66
000113-hot-wolf 4020 174
000112-secure-snake 3849 96
000111-light-mite 3753 74
000110-merry-goose 3489 119
000109-proven-eel 3906 172
000108-warm-parrot 3735 80
000107-live-troll 3773 80
000106-whole-shrimp 3839 82
000105-free-cougar 3867 184
000104-causal-dory 3842 68
000103-great-wren 3725 76
000102-cute-hyena 3957 74
000101-select-gannet 3866 196
000100-pretty-elk 3775 98
Model Rating
We use python choix to calculate bradley-terry model ratings then multiplying by 400 / ln(10) to approximate elo
000099-comic-sole 3850 72
000098-sharp-mouse 3800 88
000097-brief-gannet 3915 176
000096-merry-elf 3892 100
000095-eager-seal 3504 84
000094-superb-bear 3889 92
000093-meet-rodent 3587 180
000092-apt-kiwi 3831 94
000091-worthy-marten 3811 120
000090-cuddly-fowl 3803 82
000089-exotic-raptor 3684 162
000088-direct-gator 3671 90
000087-proud-wasp 3661 90
000086-busy-dane 3735 80
000085-brave-worm 3749 184
000084-comic-coral 3796 106
000083-well-yeti 3619 (±82) 84
000082-worthy-stork 3638 92
000081-humane-dog 3452 172
000080-novel-moose 3701 90
000079-gentle-goat 3699 102
000078-moral-bee 3707 72
000077-stable-stag 3722 168
000076-first-kitten 3738 72
000075-enough-salmon 3627 (±90) 60
000074-solid-kiwi 3611 88
000073-pet-rat 3501 192
000072-easy-gibbon 3478 (±91) 80
000071-ample-wren 3630 94
000070-normal-joey 3647 89
000069-good-fly 3566 178
000068-model-ewe 3541 (±103) 66
000067-clever-iguana 3605 98
000066-enough-pony 3654 111
000065-fluent-robin 3776 162
000064-well-seal 2772 (±280) 90
000063-honest-bream 3460 (±88) 92
000062-lucky-asp 3385 (±86) 98
000061-major-spider 3597 182
000060-boss-mouse 3696 68
000059-set-iguana 3674 88
000058-bold-kitten 3427 92
000057-cosmic-salmon 3516 178
000056-joint-vervet 3351 (±93) 94
000055-social-ewe 3587 100
000054-wise-hippo 3320 (±91) 86
000053-usable-hippo 3452 198
000052-sure-piglet 3527 (±87) 88
000051-new-worm 3378 (±106) 68
000050-busy-ferret 3478 106
Model Rating
We use python choix to calculate bradley-terry model ratings then multiplying by 400 / ln(10) to approximate elo
000049-pumped-bengal 3373 174
000048-grown-kiwi 3214 (±128) 82
000047-liked-turtle 3323 (±124) 74
000046-alert-bream 3337 (±110) 86
000045-guided-hen 3393 182
000044-rapid-skink 3294 (±114) 60
000043-fine-guppy 2718 (±346) 80
000042-smooth-prawn 3311 (±118) 76
000041-daring-joey 3184 184
000040-exact-gnu 3237 (±106) 90
000039-light-hippo 3090 (±131) 84
000038-wanted-parrot 3129 (±135) 98
000037-daring-buck 3282 (±81) 154
000036-calm-bee 3122 (±97) 80
000035-viable-magpie 3269 (±91) 100
000034-proper-foal 3197 (±123) 100
000033-rested-burro 3178 (±81) 144
000032-moved-dingo 2732 (±264) 94
000031-simple-dragon 2215 (±315) 80
000030-moving-grouse 3168 (±136) 84
000029-rare-glider 2986 (±126) 130
000028-kind-spider 2971 (±158) 76
000027-grand-marten 3124 (±119) 90
000026-comic-tetra 2242 (±287) 108
000025-on-foal 3063 (±121) 200
000024-solid-dodo 2185 (±260) 72
000023-liked-adder 2560 (±223) 88
000022-fit-finch 2667 (±274) 82
000021-handy-krill 2929 (±128) 174
000020-more-bunny 3322 (±159) 76
000019-active-sole 2572 (±281) 80
000018-new-coral 1636 (±247) 112
000017-choice-wolf 2157 (±341) 160
000016-still-whale 2389 (±352) 70
000015-square-ape 2093 (±312) 96
000014-free-bull 1895 (±354) 94
000013-cool-ewe 1949 (±326) 142
000012-grown-rhino 2350 (±285) 104
000011-frank-iguana 1546 (±355) 112
000010-quiet-squid 1456 (±353) 88
000009-hip-cicada 1188 (±265) 152
000008-sweet-oyster 980 (±355) 88
000007-main-oriole 1432 (±356) 80
000006-vocal-swan 1820 (±353) 84
000005-valued-raptor 657 (±314) 176
000004-actual-pig 1697 (±352) 92
000003-giving-panda 522 (±355) 84
000002-trusty-mako 2250 (±351) 96
000001-hip-shiner 0 (±356) 170